A dossier definition
A dossier definition

a dossier definition

See Introduction to Visualizations for more information about the available types of visualizations. Browse the use examples to transfer a dossier in the great English corpus. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. You can also maximize the amount of space available for data display by viewing dossiers in Presentation Mode. Learn the definition of to transfer a dossier. The dossier is to be submitted to a regulatory authority for review, and approval of the submission would grant the product marketing. What is a Value Dossier The Value Dossier is the core document produced by global market access teams for use by national affiliate sales and marketing organisations. Drag and drop attributes and metrics to display data, create filters, group data, and more. Conjugate Speak Suggest new translation/definition dossier (French) n a collection of papers containing information on a particular subject or person (C19: from French: a file with a label on the back, from dos back, from Latin dorsum) English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus Add your entry in the Collaborative Dictionary. noun, plural dos·si·ers dos-ee-eyz, -ee-erz, daw-see-eyz, -see-ers French daw-syey. In regulatory affairs, a dossier is a term used to describe a compilation and array of documents regarding the safety, efficacy, and quality information of a medical product.In addition, you can create new attributes, metrics, and groups of attribute elements, based on existing objects. Add other objects, such as text, images, and Web content to the dossier.A collection of papers giving detailed information about a particular person or subject. Add data to a dossier by importing data from a file, database, or the results of a custom database query (that is, Freeform script). dossiers synonyms, dossiers pronunciation, dossiers translation, English dictionary definition of dossiers.Perform the following tasks to build your dossier: You can quickly and easily create a polished dossier without requiring a lot of design time.

#A dossier definition full

See full entry for 'dossier' Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. You can add visual representations of the data (that is, called visualizations) to the dossier to make your data easier to interpret, perform manipulations on the data to customize which information to display, and organize data into multiple chapters and pages to provide a logical flow to your dossier. A dossier is a collection of papers containing information on a particular event, or on a person such as a criminal or a spy. A dossier is an interactive display that you can create to showcase and explore business data.

A dossier definition